GSM–X offers extensive communication functionality and support for
multiple communication paths. This device can be used to carry out
reporting in alarm systems. For this purpose, it uses a connection
established via the dialer of any alarm control panel or its
appropriately configured outputs.
An important feature the communicator offers is the expansion
capability by adding the GSM–X–ETH Ethernet module, so that
reporting can be implemented through two independent channels
(Ethernet and GPRS). Thanks to the constant monitoring of the state
of connections with the monitoring station and the substitutability of
transmission paths, the stringent requirements of EN 50136 for DP4
category are complied with, regarding the so–called Dual
Path Reporting.
GSM–X offers notification of up to 8 users in several ways: by using
voice, SMS or PUSH messages, or via the CLIP service.
As for the INTEGRA and INTEGRA Plus control panels, connection with them can be via RS–232. Thus, GSM–X will perform reporting and notification (in
INTEGRA Plus), the content is downloaded from the list of events), and will establish remote connection with DLOADX and GUARDX programs.
The module has the function that automatically switches communication over to the GSM path in the event of the analog telephone line failure. GSM–X can also
act as a GSM gateway for private branch exchanges (PBX).
The device has 4 programmable outputs that can be remotely controlled using SMS, CLIP, DTMF, GX CONTROL mobile application or GX Soft configuration
software. That enables GSM–X to be used for remote control of the alarm system or other connected devices.
A computer with the GX Soft program installed is used for programming and configuration. The computer can connect to the module locally, after connecting it to
the module mini–USB port, or remotely, by connecting to the device via GPRS or Ethernet*.
Remote update of the device firmware is possible thanks to GSM–X capability of interacting with the UpServ program.
The built–in GSM telephone has slots for two SIM cards. If any problems occur with the range of the first card operator's network, the module will automatically
switch to the other one to maintain uninterrupted communication.
Dual Path Reporting support according to EN 50136* for DP4 category
conversion of telephone reporting into audio/SMS/Ethernet*/GPRS formats
sending notifications to max. 8 phone numbers
notification: audio/SMS/PUSH/CLIP
conversion of PAGER messages into SMS
telephone line simulation via GSM – GSM gateway
switching to GSM in case of telephone line failure
compatibility with INTEGRA and INTEGRA Plus control panels:
fast data transfer through RS–232
conversion of RS–232/TCP/IP reporting
automatic composition of notification content (INTEGRA Plus)
ability to remotely connect to DLOADX and GUARDX programs
SMS and CLIP receiver for STAM–2 monitoring station
4 programmable inputs (NO, NC)
4 outputs (OC) controlled by SMS/CLIP/DTMF/GX CONTROL/GX Soft
dual SIM card support
possibility to check the pre–paid account balance and send notification if it drops below required minimum
configuration using GX Soft software:
locally via USB
remotely via Ethernet* or GPRS
The actual appearance of the products may differ from the presented images. Product descriptions are provided in the web service for information purposes only. www.satel.eu
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